Art Clinic Contest (ACC)

What Darwin, Leonardo Da Vinci and Napolean Have To Do With ARTS

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Napolean used works of Art to spread his fame, Darwin and Da-Vinci used their Art background and talent to excel in their fields. To stand out in a highly competitive environment, art gives an advantage so much that maths or science students in Europe and Americas take up Art as a compulsory subject. Also today Art as a profession is extremely satisfying and profitable.

Barring innate talent, learning art is a life long process and we need to start young. EHF's Art Clinic Contest (ACC) gives the impetus a child needs with an objective of mentoring a child with the help of india's best artists through nationwide art clinics. these clinics are also used by students as stepping stones to GOOGLE's doodle contest held each year, and has seen many indian winnes!

Now into its 14th year, classes 1 to 12th students can participate. The registration form, sample paper and other details are available at:

Prizes worth 50 lakhs will be awarded to participating students, teachers and principals. The details are given at:

The details are given at:

There is a special award for participation in 5 or more EHF Olympiads.

The last date to register is 30 day before the exam

EHF, 35A, Mohamadpur, Near Bhikaji Metro Station, New Delhi-110066; Ph. : 9599429956
e-mail :, website :